Source code for metakernel._metakernel

from __future__ import print_function

import base64
import codecs
import glob
import imp
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import pkgutil
import subprocess
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
import sys
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module='IPython.html.widgets')

from IPython.paths import get_ipython_dir
from ipykernel.kernelapp import IPKernelApp
from ipykernel.kernelbase import Kernel
from ipykernel.comm import CommManager
from traitlets.config import Application

    from ipywidgets.widgets.widget import Widget
except ImportError:
    Widget = None

    from IPython.utils.PyColorize import NeutralColors
    RED = NeutralColors.colors["header"]
    NORMAL = NeutralColors.colors["normal"]
    from IPython.core.excolors import TermColors
    RED = TermColors.Red
    NORMAL = TermColors.Normal

from IPython.core.formatters import IPythonDisplayFormatter
from IPython.display import HTML
from IPython.core.display import publish_display_data
from IPython.utils.tempdir import TemporaryDirectory

from .config import get_history_file, get_local_magics_dir
from .parser import Parser

PY3 = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3)

class ExceptionWrapper(object):
    Utility wrapper that we can use to get the kernel to respond properly for errors.

    When the return value of your execute is an instance of this, an error will be thrown similar to Ipykernel

    def __init__(self, ename, evalue, traceback):
        self.ename = ename
        self.evalue = evalue
        self.traceback = traceback

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}: {}\n{}'.format(self.ename, self.evalue, self.traceback)

def lazy_import_handle_comm_opened(*args, **kwargs):
    if Widget is None:
    Widget.handle_comm_opened(*args, **kwargs)

def get_metakernel():
    Get the MetaKernel instance.
    return MetaKernel.meta_kernel

[docs]class MetaKernel(Kernel): identifier_regex = r'[^\d\W][\w\.]*' func_call_regex = r'([^\d\W][\w\.]*)\([^\)\()]*\Z' magic_prefixes = dict(magic='%', shell='!', help='?') help_suffix = '?' help_links = [ { 'text': "MetaKernel Magics", 'url': "", }, ] language_info = { # 'mimetype': 'text/x-python', # 'name': 'python', # ------ If different from 'language': # 'codemirror_mode': { # "version": 2, # "name": "ipython" # } # 'pygments_lexer': 'language', # 'version' : "x.y.z", # 'file_extension': '.py', 'help_links': help_links, } meta_kernel = None @classmethod
[docs] def run_as_main(cls): """Launch or install a metakernel. Modules implementing a metakernel subclass can use the following lines: if __name__ == '__main__': MetaKernelSubclass.run_as_main() """ MetaKernelApp.launch_instance(kernel_class=cls)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MetaKernel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if MetaKernel.meta_kernel is None: MetaKernel.meta_kernel = self if self.log is None: # This occurs if we call as a stand-alone kernel # (eg, not as a process) # FIXME: take care of input/output, eg StringIO # make work without a session self.log = logging.Logger(".metakernel") else: # Write has already been set try: sys.stdout.write = self.Write except: pass # Can't change stdout self.sticky_magics = OrderedDict() self._i = None self._ii = None self._iii = None self._ = None self.__ = None self.___ = None self.max_hist_cache = 1000 self.hist_cache = [] self.comm_manager = CommManager(shell=None, parent=self, kernel=self) self.comm_manager.register_target('ipython.widget', lazy_import_handle_comm_opened) self.plot_settings = dict(backend='inline') self.hist_file = get_history_file(self) self.parser = Parser(self.identifier_regex, self.func_call_regex, self.magic_prefixes, self.help_suffix) comm_msg_types = ['comm_open', 'comm_msg', 'comm_close'] for msg_type in comm_msg_types: self.shell_handlers[msg_type] = getattr(self.comm_manager, msg_type) self._ipy_formatter = IPythonDisplayFormatter() self.env = {} self.reload_magics() # provide a way to get the current instance self.set_variable("kernel", self)
[docs] def makeSubkernel(self, kernel): """ Run this method in an IPython kernel to set this kernel's input/output settings. """ from IPython import get_ipython from IPython.display import display shell = get_ipython() if shell: # we are running under an IPython kernel self.session = shell.kernel.session self.Display = display self.send_response = self._send_shell_response else: self.session = kernel.session self.send_response = kernel.send_response self.Display = kernel.Display
##################################### # Methods which provide kernel - specific behavior
[docs] def set_variable(self, name, value): """ Set a variable to a Python-typed value. """ pass
[docs] def get_variable(self, name): """ Lookup a variable name and return a Python-typed value. """ pass
def repr(self, item): return repr(item) def get_usage(self): return "This is a usage statement." def get_kernel_help_on(self, info, level=0, none_on_fail=False): if none_on_fail: return None else: return "Sorry, no help is available on '%s'." % info['code']
[docs] def handle_plot_settings(self): """Handle the current plot settings""" pass
[docs] def get_local_magics_dir(self): """ Returns the path to local magics dir (eg ~/.ipython/metakernel/magics) """ base = get_ipython_dir() return os.path.join(base, 'metakernel', 'magics')
[docs] def get_completions(self, info): """ Get completions from kernel based on info dict. """ return []
[docs] def do_execute_direct(self, code, silent=False): """ Execute code in the kernel language. """ pass
[docs] def do_execute_file(self, filename): """ Default code for running a file. Just opens the file, and sends the text to do_execute_direct. """ code = "".join(open(filename).readlines()) return self.do_execute_direct(code)
[docs] def do_execute_meta(self, code): """ Execute meta code in the kernel. This uses the execute infrastructure but allows JavaScript to talk directly to the kernel bypassing normal processing. When responding to the %%debug magic, the step and reset meta commands can answer with a string in the format: "highlight: [start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col]" for highlighting expressions in the frontend. """ if code == "reset": raise Exception("This kernel does not implement this meta command") elif code == "stop": raise Exception("This kernel does not implement this meta command") elif code == "step": raise Exception("This kernel does not implement this meta command") elif code.startswith("inspect "): raise Exception("This kernel does not implement this meta command") else: raise Exception("Unknown meta command: '%s'" % code)
[docs] def initialize_debug(self, code): """ This function is used with the %%debug magic for highlighting lines of code, and for initializing debug functions. Return the empty string if highlighting is not supported. """ #return "highlight: [%s, %s, %s, %s]" % (line1, col1, line2, col2) return ""
[docs] def do_function_direct(self, function_name, arg): """ Call a function in the kernel language with args (as a single item). """ f = self.do_execute_direct(function_name) return f(arg)
[docs] def restart_kernel(self): """Restart the kernel""" pass
############################################ # Implement base class methods def do_execute(self, code, silent=False, store_history=True, user_expressions=None, allow_stdin=False): # Set the ability for the kernel to get standard-in: self._allow_stdin = allow_stdin # Create a default response: self.kernel_resp = { 'status': 'ok', # The base class increments the execution count 'execution_count': self.execution_count, 'payload': [], 'user_expressions': {}, } # TODO: remove this when IPython fixes this # This happens at startup when the language is set to python if '_usage.page_guiref' in code: return self.kernel_resp if code and store_history: self.hist_cache.append(code.strip()) if not code.strip(): return self.kernel_resp info = self.parse_code(code) self.payload = [] retval = None if info['magic'] and info['magic']['name'] == 'help': if info['magic']['type'] == 'line': level = 0 else: level = 1 text = self.get_help_on(code, level) self.log.debug(text) if text: self.payload = [{"data": {"text/plain": text}, "start_line_number": 0, "source": "page"}] elif info['magic'] or self.sticky_magics: retval = None if self.sticky_magics: magics, code = _split_magics_code(code, self.magic_prefixes) code = magics + self._get_sticky_magics() + code stack = [] # Handle magics: magic = None prefixes = ((self.magic_prefixes['shell'], self.magic_prefixes['magic'])) while code.startswith(prefixes): magic = self.get_magic(code) if magic is not None: stack.append(magic) code = magic.get_code() # signal to exit, maybe error or no block if not magic.evaluate: break else: break # Execute code, if any: if ((magic is None or magic.evaluate) and code.strip() != ""): if code.startswith("~~META~~:"): retval = self.do_execute_meta(code[9:].strip()) else: retval = self.do_execute_direct(code) # Post-process magics: for magic in reversed(stack): retval = magic.post_process(retval) else: if code.startswith("~~META~~:"): retval = self.do_execute_meta(code[9:].strip()) else: retval = self.do_execute_direct(code) self.post_execute(retval, code, silent) if 'payload' in self.kernel_resp: self.kernel_resp['payload'] = self.payload return self.kernel_resp def post_execute(self, retval, code, silent): # Handle in's self.set_variable("_iii", self._iii) self.set_variable("_ii", self._ii) self.set_variable("_i", code) self.set_variable("_i" + str(self.execution_count), code) self._iii = self._ii self._ii = code if (retval is not None): # -------------------------------------- # Handle out's (only when non-null) self.set_variable("___", self.___) self.set_variable("__", self.__) self.set_variable("_", retval) self.set_variable("_" + str(self.execution_count), retval) self.___ = self.__ self.__ = retval self.log.debug(retval) if isinstance(retval, ExceptionWrapper): self.kernel_resp['status'] = 'error' content = { 'traceback': retval.traceback, 'evalue': retval.evalue, 'ename': retval.ename, } self.kernel_resp.update(content) if not silent: self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'error', content) else: try: data = _formatter(retval, self.repr) except Exception as e: self.Error(e) return content = { 'execution_count': self.execution_count, 'data': data, 'metadata': {}, } if not silent: if Widget and isinstance(retval, Widget): self.Display(retval) return self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'execute_result', content)
[docs] def do_history(self, hist_access_type, output, raw, session=None, start=None, stop=None, n=None, pattern=None, unique=False): """ Access history at startup. """ with open(self.hist_file) as fid: self.hist_cache = json.loads( or "[]") return {'history': [(None, None, h) for h in self.hist_cache]}
[docs] def do_shutdown(self, restart): """ Shut down the app gracefully, saving history. """ if self.hist_file: with open(self.hist_file, "w") as fid: json.dump(self.hist_cache[-self.max_hist_cache:], fid) if restart: self.Print("Restarting kernel...") self.restart_kernel() self.reload_magics() self.Print("Done!") return {'status': 'ok', 'restart': restart}
[docs] def do_is_complete(self, code): """ Given code as string, returns dictionary with 'status' representing whether code is ready to evaluate. Possible values for status are: 'complete' - ready to evaluate 'incomplete' - not yet ready 'invalid' - invalid code 'unknown' - unknown; the default unless overridden Optionally, if 'status' is 'incomplete', you may indicate an indentation string. Example: return {'status' : 'incomplete', 'indent': ' ' * 4} """ if code.startswith(self.magic_prefixes['magic']): ## force requirement to end with an empty line if code.endswith("\n"): return {'status' : 'complete'} else: return {'status' : 'incomplete'} # otherwise, how to know is complete? elif code.endswith("\n"): return {'status' : 'complete'} else: return {'status' : 'incomplete'}
def do_complete(self, code, cursor_pos): info = self.parse_code(code, 0, cursor_pos) content = { 'matches': [], 'cursor_start': info['start'], 'cursor_end': info['end'], 'status': 'ok' } matches = info['path_matches'] if info['magic']: # if the last line contains another magic, use that line_info = self.parse_code(info['line']) if line_info['magic']: info = line_info if info['magic']['type'] == 'line': magics = self.line_magics else: magics = self.cell_magics if info['magic']['name'] in magics: magic = magics[info['magic']['name']] info = info['magic'] if info['type'] == 'cell' and info['code']: info = self.parse_code(info['code']) else: info = self.parse_code(info['args']) matches.extend(magic.get_completions(info)) elif not info['magic']['code'] and not info['magic']['args']: matches = [] for name in magics.keys(): if name.startswith(info['magic']['name']): pre = info['magic']['prefix'] matches.append(pre + name) info['start'] -= len(pre) info['full_obj'] = pre + info['full_obj'] info['obj'] = pre + info['obj'] else: matches.extend(self.get_completions(info)) if info['full_obj'] and len(info['full_obj']) > len(info['obj']): new_list = [m for m in matches if m.startswith(info['full_obj'])] if new_list: content['cursor_end'] = (content['cursor_end'] + len(info['full_obj']) - len(info['obj'])) matches = new_list content["matches"] = sorted(matches) return content def do_inspect(self, code, cursor_pos, detail_level=0): # Object introspection if cursor_pos > len(code): return content = {'status': 'aborted', 'data': {}, 'found': False} docstring = self.get_help_on(code, detail_level, none_on_fail=True, cursor_pos=cursor_pos) if docstring: content["data"] = {"text/plain": docstring} content["status"] = "ok" content["found"] = True self.log.debug(docstring) return content ############################## # Private API and methods not likely to be overridden def reload_magics(self): self.line_magics = {} self.cell_magics = {} # get base magic files and those relative to the current class # directory magic_files = [] # Make a metakernel/magics if it doesn't exist: local_magics_dir = get_local_magics_dir() # Search all of the places there could be magics: paths = [local_magics_dir, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "magics")] try: paths += [os.path.join(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))), "magics")] except: pass for magic_dir in paths: sys.path.append(magic_dir) magic_files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(magic_dir, "*.py"))) for magic in magic_files: basename = os.path.basename(magic) if basename == "": continue try: module = __import__(os.path.splitext(basename)[0]) imp.reload(module) module.register_magics(self) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Can't load '%s': error: %s" % (magic, e)) def register_magics(self, magic_klass): magic = magic_klass(self) line_magics = magic.get_magics('line') cell_magics = magic.get_magics('cell') for name in line_magics: self.line_magics[name] = magic for name in cell_magics: self.cell_magics[name] = magic def clear_output(self, wait=False): self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'clear_output', {'wait': wait}) def Display(self, *args, **kwargs): clear_output = kwargs.get("clear_output", False) for message in args: if isinstance(message, HTML): if clear_output: self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'clear_output', {'wait': True}) if Widget and isinstance(message, Widget): self.log.debug('Display Widget') self._ipy_formatter(message) else: self.log.debug('Display Data') try: data = _formatter(message, self.repr) except Exception as e: self.Error(e) return content = { 'data': data, 'metadata': {} } self.send_response( self.iopub_socket, 'display_data', content ) def Print(self, *args, **kwargs): end = kwargs["end"] if ("end" in kwargs) else "\n" message = "" for item in args: if Widget and isinstance(item, Widget): self.Display(item) else: if message: message += " " if PY3: message += str(item) else: message += codecs.encode(item, "utf-8") message += end stream_content = { 'name': 'stdout', 'text': message} self.log.debug('Print: %s' % message) self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'stream', stream_content) def Write(self, message): stream_content = { 'name': 'stdout', 'text': message} self.log.debug('Write: %s' % message) self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'stream', stream_content) def Error(self, *args, **kwargs): message = format_message(*args, **kwargs) self.log.debug('Error: %s' % message) stream_content = { 'name': 'stderr', 'text': RED + message + NORMAL } self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'stream', stream_content)
[docs] def call_magic(self, line): """ Given an line, such as "%download", parse and execute magic. """ return self.get_magic(line)
def get_magic(self, text): ## FIXME: Bad name, use call_magic instead. # if first line matches a magic, # call magic.call_magic() and return magic object info = self.parse_code(text) magic = self.line_magics['magic'] return magic.get_magic(info) def get_magic_args(self, text): # if first line matches a magic, # call magic.call_magic() and return magic args info = self.parse_code(text) magic = self.line_magics['magic'] return magic.get_magic(info, get_args=True) def get_help_on(self, expr, level=0, none_on_fail=False, cursor_pos=-1): help_magic = self.line_magics['help'] return help_magic.get_help_on(expr, level, none_on_fail, cursor_pos) def parse_code(self, code, cursor_start=0, cursor_end=-1): return self.parser.parse_code(code, cursor_start, cursor_end) def _get_sticky_magics(self): retval = "" for key in self.sticky_magics: retval += (key + " " + self.sticky_magics[key] + "\n") return retval def _send_shell_response(self, socket, stream_type, content): publish_display_data({ 'text/plain': content['text'] })
class MetaKernelApp(IPKernelApp): @property def subcommands(self): # Slightly awkward way to pass the actual kernel class to the install # subcommand. class KernelInstallerApp(Application): kernel_class = self.kernel_class def initialize(self, argv=None): self.argv = argv def start(self): kernel_spec = self.kernel_class.kernel_json with TemporaryDirectory() as td: dirname = os.path.join(td, kernel_spec['name']) os.mkdir(dirname) with open(os.path.join(dirname, 'kernel.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(kernel_spec, f, sort_keys=True) filenames = ['logo-64x64.png', 'logo-32x32.png'] name = self.kernel_class.__module__ for filename in filenames: try: data = pkgutil.get_data(name.split('.')[0], 'images/' + filename) except (OSError, IOError): data = pkgutil.get_data('metakernel', 'images/' + filename) with open(os.path.join(dirname, filename), 'wb') as f: f.write(data) try: subprocess.check_call( [sys.executable, '-m', 'jupyter', 'kernelspec', 'install'] + self.argv + [dirname]) except CalledProcessError as exc: sys.exit(exc.returncode) return {'install': (KernelInstallerApp, 'Install this kernel')} def _split_magics_code(code, prefixes): lines = code.split("\n") ret_magics = [] ret_code = [] index = 0 shell = prefixes['shell'] magic = prefixes['magic'] while index < len(lines) and lines[index].startswith((shell, magic)): ret_magics.append(lines[index]) index += 1 while index < len(lines): ret_code.append(lines[index]) index += 1 ret_magics_str = "\n".join(ret_magics) if ret_magics_str: ret_magics_str += "\n" ret_code_str = "\n".join(ret_code) if ret_code_str: ret_code_str += "\n" return (ret_magics_str, ret_code_str) def _formatter(data, repr_func): reprs = {} reprs['text/plain'] = repr_func(data) lut = [("_repr_png_", "image/png"), ("_repr_jpeg_", "image/jpeg"), ("_repr_html_", "text/html"), ("_repr_markdown_", "text/markdown"), ("_repr_svg_", "image/svg+xml"), ("_repr_latex_", "text/latex"), ("_repr_json_", "application/json"), ("_repr_javascript_", "application/javascript"), ("_repr_pdf_", "application/pdf")] for (attr, mimetype) in lut: obj = getattr(data, attr, None) if obj: reprs[mimetype] = obj retval = {} for (mimetype, value) in reprs.items(): try: value = value() except Exception: pass if not value: continue if isinstance(value, bytes): try: value = value.decode('utf-8') except Exception: value = base64.encodestring(value) value = value.decode('utf-8') try: retval[mimetype] = str(value) except: retval[mimetype] = value return retval def format_message(*args, **kwargs): """ Format args like Print does. """ end = kwargs["end"] if ("end" in kwargs) else "\n" message = " ".join([str(a) for a in args]) + end return message class IPythonKernel(MetaKernel): """ Class to make an IPython Kernel look like a MetaKernel Kernel. """ language_info = { 'mimetype': 'text/x-python', 'name': 'python', 'file_extension': '.py', } def __init__(self): from metakernel.magics.magic_magic import MagicMagic self.line_magics = {'magic': MagicMagic(self)} self.cell_magics = {} self.parser = Parser(self.identifier_regex, self.func_call_regex, self.magic_prefixes, self.help_suffix) = None def Display(self, *args, **kwargs): from IPython.display import display return display(*args, **kwargs) def Error(self, *args, **kwargs): sys.stderr.write(format_message(*args, **kwargs)) def Print(self, *args, **kwargs): sys.stdout.write(format_message(*args, **kwargs)) def register_ipython_magics(*magics): """ Loads all magics (or specified magics) that have a register_ipython_magics function defined. """ if magics: # filename is name of magic + "" magics = [name + "" for name in magics] local_magics_dir = get_local_magics_dir() # Search all of the places there could be magics: paths = [local_magics_dir, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "magics")] magic_files = [] for magic_dir in paths: sys.path.append(magic_dir) magic_files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(magic_dir, "*.py"))) for magic in magic_files: basename = os.path.basename(magic) if basename == "": continue if len(magics) == 0 or basename in magics: module = __import__(os.path.splitext(basename)[0]) imp.reload(module) if hasattr(module, "register_ipython_magics"): module.register_ipython_magics()